Saturday, 27 December 2014

Glottkin pt 3

Got some more time today, both kids had sleep at the same time! :O

All I have left is the head and little details, and the other brothers which I'll post later.


Glottkin update

Got some more time last night to do some more sculpting work...

I'm doing a bunch of base work at the moment. 
The feet are going to look similar to elephant feet.
I'm going to put suckers on the tentacle arm and more spikes

Still a bunch to go, but i'm happy with the progress considering I only get a few minutes here and there :P


Friday, 26 December 2014

I'm back from a warp anomaly....

Hi all,
Sorry about the lack of communication, I have recently had my second child and he has taken over my spare time... as to be expected :P
Anyway, I have managed to do some hobby over the last few days,

This is the start of my scratch built Glottkin
Hooray for tin foil!! most of the frame is a coat-hanger and tin foil with a bit of cork-it for stability
the basic layers of Apoxie-sculpt

He is obviously in the early stages, but the style is pretty close so I don't think it'll be a big problem

The reason I am making a Glottkin is twofold; 1: becasue it is awesome, 2: Vantraxx and I have organised an epic End Times game. 

30,000 points of fantasy to be played on one day.  
Can't wait...
I'm using Legions of Chaos and Undead Legions, while Vantraxx is using Legions of Chaos and Chaos Dwarfs
The chaos gods will be pleased with the slaughter that is going to take place that day  >D

Anyway, hope everyone had a great Xmas and has a good new year!


Friday, 7 November 2014

7K Chaos Dwarfs painted so far...

So i'm trying to get an army medal from This lists hits 7K now and i have a heap of Infernal Guard, Slaves, Infernal Ironsworn, a Destroyer and more Khans so it is nowhere near finished....

7000pt Legion of Azgorh Roster

Lords  1050pts
Contempt, Daemonsmith, Infernal Engineer, Relentless, Resolute, Sorcerer's Curse
*None - Darkforged Weapon (Darkforged Weapon), Bale Taurus (Blazing Body, Fuelled by Fire, Terror, Flaming Attacks, Large Target, Fly, Thunderstomp, Breath Weapon), Blood of Hashut (one use), Dawnstone, Lore of Hashut, Naptha Bombs, The Mask of the Furnace, Wizard Level 4 

Contempt, Daemonsmith, Infernal Engineer, Relentless, Resolute, Sorcerer's Curse
*None - Darkforged Weapon (Darkforged Weapon), Arabyan Carpet, Enchanted Shield, Lore of Death, Naptha Bombs, Talisman of Endurance, Wizard Level 4
Heroes  1120pts
Bull Centaur Taur'ruk
*, Contempt, Fear, Scaly Skin (5+), Stomp, Swiftstride
Armour of Destiny, Great Weapon, Shield

Daemonsmith Sorcerer
Contempt, Daemonsmith, Infernal Engineer, Relentless, Resolute, Sorcerer's Curse
*None - Ensorcelled Hand Weapon (Ensorcelled Hand Weapon), Lore of Fire, Wizard Level 1

Daemonsmith Sorcerer
Contempt, Daemonsmith, Infernal Engineer, Relentless, Resolute, Sorcerer's Curse
*None - Ensorcelled Hand Weapon (Ensorcelled Hand Weapon), Dispel Scroll, Lore of Metal, Pistol, Wizard Level 2

Daemonsmith Sorcerer
Contempt, Daemonsmith, Infernal Engineer, Relentless, Resolute, Sorcerer's Curse
*None - Ensorcelled Hand Weapon (Ensorcelled Hand Weapon), Chalice of Blood & Darkness, Lore of Fire, Wizard Level 2

Hobgoblin Khan
Giant Wolf (Fast Cavalry), Light Armour, Spear (only if mounted), The Terrifying Mask of EEE!

Infernal Castellan
Contempt, Relentless, Resolute, Stubborn
Battle Standard Bearer, Dragonshelm, Shield, Sword of Battle, Talisman of Preservation

Infernal Castellan
Contempt, Relentless, Resolute, Stubborn
Armour of Bazherak the Cruel, Great Weapon, Ironcurse Icon, Luckstone

Core   1768pts
Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard
Contempt, Relentless, Resolute
Deathmask, Musician
35x Infernal
35x Great Weapons
Standard Bearer
Banner of Swiftness

Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard
Contempt, Relentless, Resolute
Deathmask, 35x Infernal, Musician, Standard Bearer

Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard
Contempt, Relentless, Resolute
Naptha Bomb
13x Infernal
13x Fireglaives (Fireglaive)

Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard
Contempt, Relentless, Resolute
Naptha Bomb
13x Infernal
13x Fireglaives (Fireglaive)

Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard
Contempt, Relentless, Resolute
Naptha Bomb
13x Infernal
13x Fireglaives (Fireglaive)

Rare  1115pts
Chaos Siege Giant
Fall Over, Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Special Attacks, Stubborn, Terror, Wall Ripper

Dreadquake Mortar
Contempt, Firing the Dreadquake, Quake!, Relentless, Resolute, Slow to Reload
Additional Crew - Slave Ogre, Hellbound, Steam Carriage Upgrade

Caged Fury, Daemonic Construction, Doomfire, Large Target, Monster & Handlers, Terror, Thunderstomp, Unbreakable

Caged Fury, Daemonic Construction, Doomfire, Large Target, Monster & Handlers, Terror, Thunderstomp, Unbreakable

Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders
Cowardly Despoilers, Fast Cavalry, Hobgoblin Animosity
Musician, Standard Bearer, Wolf Boss
10x Raiders
10x Spears

Special   1950pts
Bull Centaur Renders
Contempt, Fear, Scaly Skin (5+), Stomp, Swiftstride
Bull Centaur Ba'hal, Musician
5x Bull Centaur Renders
5x Great Weapons, 5x Shields

Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher
Contempt, Relentless, Resolute

Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher
Contempt, Relentless, Resolute

Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher
Contempt, Relentless, Resolute

Iron Daemon War Engine
Carriage Hauler, Demolition, Impact Hits (D6+2), Ironhide, Large Target, Lumbering & Unstoppable, Skullcracker, Steam Cannonade, Terror, Unbreakable, Unique Unit Hellbound

Iron Daemon War Engine
Carriage Hauler, Demolition, Impact Hits (D6+2), Ironhide, Large Target, Lumbering & Unstoppable, Skullcracker, Steam Cannonade, Terror, Unbreakable, Unique Unit Hellbound

K'daai Fireborn
*, Blazing Body, Bound Fire Daemon, Burning Bright, Fear, Flaming Attacks, Stomp, Unbreakable, Unstable
8x K'daai Fireborn, K'daai Manburner

Magma Cannon
Contempt, Relentless, Resolute

Magma Cannon
Contempt, Relentless, Resolute 

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed

Thursday, 23 October 2014

The End Times is Official!

So Games Workshop just issued a new FAQ for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. They can be found here: 
Warhammer Fantasy Battle FAQ
 It includes a massive change to Warhammer. This change is huge. It brings us back to the glory days (or should that be the gory days) of Herohammer. The End Times are here to stay with the lore of Undeath and 50% Lords and 50% Heroes. This is massive guys. Now we can field multiple Daemon Princes, units of Heroes, multiple lv4 casters etc etc Once the dust has settled i'll start formulating cheesy lists to destroy the forces of Nurgleprototype... Your going down buddy ;)

So now this opens up the use of a Hortennse Tzeentch Lord, Lv4 Disc Sorcerer and a Slaanesh DP all in the same list... or 2 DP's.... Or... well you get the idea hehe

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed

Monday, 29 September 2014

Chaos Dwarf Dreadquake Mortar

Here is my Dreadquake Mortar
Massive range, Ogre crewman, quake rule, hellbound, steam carriage of doom....

This thing is nasty. Only problem is it comes from  rare points.... That means it competes with the Hellcannon and K'daai Destroyer so it hardly ever comes out to play.

Enjoy the pics ;)

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed

Fighting the new Undead or how to die horribly and still have fun...

Looks like i'm going to be outnumbered... 

Nurgleprototype being all ethereal as he deploys

Went up against Nurgleprototype and i am still licking my wounds. He was using the new undead rules combined TK and VC superforce. We went for a 3k pitched battle and the 50% characters. He did not use any of the Nagash Special characters but gee wizz it was a tough battle...

I was practicing taking nice photos of deployment but i failed big time... wrong lens, bad light blah blah oh well next time... Here is my army for this battle:

Chaos Lord, Mark of Tzeentch, Third Eye of Tzeentch, Disc of Tzeentch , Hellfire Sword, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Endurance,

Daemon Prince, Chaos armour, Daemon of Slaanesh, Daemonic Flight, Lore of Slaanesh, Wizard Level 4, Chaos Familiar, Scaled Skin, Soul Feeder, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Sword of Striking

Chaos Sorcerer, Lore of Tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch, Wizard Level 2, Disc of Tzeentch, Channeling Staff, Dragonhelm,Talisman of Protection

Exalted Hero, Battle Standard Bearer, Mark of Tzeentch, Shield, Daemonic Mount Talisman of Preservation, Warrior Bane


Chaos Chariot MOK

8x Chaos Troll Additional hand weapons, Throgg is here

9x Chaos Troll Additional hand weapons, Hortennse bsb is here


3x Skullcrushers with Ensorcelled weapons

3x Skullcrushers with Ensorcelled weapons

So things i learnt:

Never rely on the hellcannon ;) take 2 or none. He was just a combat monster all game, kept going crazy (i still love him, just remember it is not a sure bet to even fire, they are a tough monster in  Hand to Hand though so all is not lost, deployment is key with this guy)...

Keep dispel dice for doom and darkness dispel... 2 terrorghiests screaming at your DP while hexed is bad news... they wiped him out fast

The new summon lore is deadly. Terrorghiests, monstrous infantry etc etc. I just couldn't keep up... real hardcore

Throgg can kill a kitted out Vampire Lord. Save your breath spew for when it counts. One round, dead Vampire Lord on his ghost wagon thing.

I overcompensated for ethereal. Better to have it and not need it. A savvy raiser of the dead can just clusterfuck your units with unkillable unit matchups that he can raise... the horror...

Horde with tk characters sharing ws and the mask of "never use bsb or general leadership" really sucks when you eventually kill all the summoned legions and get into combat...

Undead still die as fast as they always did but now they will have more... way more...

A terrorghiest at full wounds can delete a unit of skullcrushers

Don't get too cheerful when you kill a terrorghiest... he can just summon another one...

It is possible to roll ballistic skill and extra armour on a 1+ character on the eye of the gods table

Tzeentch missiles are too random to kill a terrorghiest in 1 round with 2 spells

Killy tzeentch lord with 4++ with reroll 1's, disc and hellfiresword is great at wiping out chaff and full units of undead troops. Very valuable in this matchup.

Trolls are super effective against undead. ITP rocks. Problem is their low int. My mate had a backup death caster lv2 with purple sun
.. this meant i was forced to use a lot of dispel dice protecting the trolls. This lead to uncontested summons and the nastiest spell with a scream list.... doom and darkess....

1 Khorne chariot can hold off against a big unit of basic troops but they need help to wipe them out

Keep a tack of the enemy summons tokens

I got floored this battle. I think i ran a reasonably hard and cheesy list and from the beginning things went upside down. If you don't kill the 2 mandatory terrorghiests tgere will be more... while you try and kill them the summoners are doing their thing. This army was a blast to play against and it was great to run a Slaanesh choir bomber with a hellfire sword tzeentch disc lord. Lots of fun.. i just have to work out how to beat them :)

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed

Monday, 22 September 2014

Dark Mechanicus part 2

So got some time to do some converting on my Dark Mechanicus : D

After looking at the sprue of the Shock Troopers I found one of the other guns (with a bit of chopping) would look good as a vent/ power generator...

After placing it I wasn't happy, it didn't look like it would hold enough power.
Then I remembered the CD player I found last week had a bunch of capacitors (dont really know if they are called that.... but, eh)

So with a bit of cutting I got these (the little ones)
Then I just super glued them onto the pack

From there it was just adding cables to give it that Mechanicus look


I'm very happy with these so far! I dont know if I want to add more mech type stuff or just paint them Chaosy.

Here is a family shot of the box :)

Still going to add cables and wires but you get the idea...

Hope you like them so far,

Saturday, 20 September 2014

How to beat Eldar with Chaos Space Marines

Honestly i'm a bit lost. The Eldar army is hard as nuts. I still havn't cracked them. Nurgleprototype has a particularly large Eldar force that covers all sorts of different builds. They are nasty shooty, very fast and super hard to shift..... The Forces of Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed have been repelled time and time again but there is a new plan... An alliance... Necrosius and his Zombies. Lots and lots of Zombies....

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed P-)

Thursday, 18 September 2014

The Dark Mechanicus rise.......

The beginning of a long thought of project is always daunting.

The variables in what you conceive, to how they will actually come to fruition is painstaking. 
Finding models and then how much effort you want/need to produce your vision can be frustrating, but...

Striking something that fits your idea is so satisfying, hence...

The start of my Dark Mechanicus army!
I will be using the rules from the Horus Heresy Extermination book (Tagmata)

These will be the Tech-thralls/ Adsecularis

Obviously I will be doing more to these; tubing and powerpacks, but generally they are perfect for what I want to achieve :D

The look of these models is awesome for where I want to go with my Dark Mechanicus.

I am really looking forward to getting these painted, however I am still a bit undecided about which colours I should go with...

The basic Mars Red, except dirty.
Dark browns and blacks, with lots of OSL (Object Source Lighting)
or something completely different, because Chaos is fickle! 

If anyone out there has a suggestion for a colour scheme, drop a comment here!


Tuesday, 16 September 2014

More Maw :)

Here are some more of my Ogres that I did a while ago

This is my Ironblaster

 This will be a Stonrhorn

These are my Mournfang

 This is my Thundertusk

 + some more ogres

I think they are coming along nicely, just gotta get time to do them as well as my other projects :P
